Sunday, July 8, 2007

Look what I got at a yard sale yesterday...

Apparently, P.T. Barnum was talking about me.

I was coming back from the Post Office, minding my own business, when I spied a yard sale on the way home. Now, I loves me a yard sale! So, while I'm contemplating cutting down a $2 size 14 tiered white cotton eyelet skirt to a size for my daughter (I can cut off the top band, cut out some width, add elastic, yeah, this will work...), I hear mewing. Lots of mewing.

Oh, how sweet! They must have a kitten. Maybe I'll give it a little scratch on the head as I pay for my skirt and leave. You know, kittenless.

It's in a box. Drinking milk (really bad for kittens, I've been told by my vet). The woman said that the mother cat showed up in their tool shed, had a litter of 3, and was killed with two of the kittens when she tried to move them across the highway. This little guy was left. All alone. They didn't even realize that he was still in their shed for a couple of days after the mother cat was run over.

They called the Humane Society, but they didn't have any room to take him and could only put them on a waiting list. They called local vets, but none of them would take him.

(Can you hear the violins?)

I picked him up, and he began purring. Loudly. Damn it!

Needless to say, my soft little heart couldn't take it, and I agreed to take him home. I was a HERO! Everyone at the yard sale was singing my praises! Well done, citizen!

Until I got home. And my husband was not nearly as impressed with my generosity of spirit to help those in need.

Then I showed him to my daughter! AM! HERO! of highest order! worthy of parades and ticker tape and a trip to Disney.

Baxter, however, did not fall as in love with the kitten as I did. And, you know, in the interest of keeping the kitten alive, the kitten will be staying in my daughter's room.

Once again, a HERO! WHEEE!

He is a teeny widdle guy, probably around 6 weeks, if that. His name is Max. He purrs loudly and curls up under your neck and is just completely adorable and sweet.

Oh, and I'm completely banned from going to any more yard sales.


AnnieRoso said...

Oh, Lord, he's adorable! It would've taken superhuman restraint to resist him! I always say that both my cats picked me, not the other way around (in other words, they latched on for dear life & mewled the loudest out of a cage full of poor unwanted, motherless kittens). You're a good person. Lucky Max. :-)

Erika Cass Designs said...

LOL! That is too funny...and so darn cute! I would have done the same. :o)

Wendy said...

So cute! I'm so glad you were there to rescue him. We're taking care of a pregnant stray right now and expecting kittens any day. It's going to take lots of restraint not to keep them all!

Anonymous said...

The cuteness is killing me!

Anonymous said...

That's the best yard sale find I've seen yet! He is so cute.

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Awwww, what a sweetie!!